Monday, February 14, 2011

福州红糟南乳焖鸡 Simmered Chicken with Reddish Cheese and Red Grain Wine Residue

材料:1/2 只鸡(450克)甘榜鸡 (斩块),50克黑木耳(浸软,切片),1 ½块南乳,1/2 大匙红糟,3粒蒜瓣(拍扁),5片生姜,250 毫升清水

调味料:1大匙绍兴酒,2大匙麻油,1/2 小匙老抽,1/2大匙生抽,1 ½ 小匙糖


  1. 锅中烧热麻油,爆香姜片和蒜瓣,加入鸡块兜炒香浓至转色。

  2. 加入黑木耳拌炒一会,然后加入红糟及南乳快手兜炒均匀,注入清水同煮沸。

  3. 拌入其余调味料,加盖以中火焖煮至入味。最后加入少许粟粉水勾芡,再炒至浓稠即可上碟。

Ingredients: ½ nos (450 gram) chicken "kampong" (cut into pieces), 50g Black fungus (soaked, sliced), 1 ½ cubed reddish cheese, ½ tablespoon red grain wine residue, 3 garlic cloves (flatten), 250ml mwater

Seasoning : 1 tablespoon Shaoxing wine, 2 tablespoon sesame oil, ½ teaspoon dark soy sauce, ½ tablespoon light soy sauce, 1 ½ teaspoon sugar.

Method :

  1. Heat up sesame oil to fragrant the ginger slices and garlic doves, add in chicken pieces, stir-fry until the chicken pieces colour are changes.

  2. Add in black fungus pieces, stir-well , add in red grain wine residue and reddish cheese, stir until aromatic or well combined. Pour in water, and bring to the boil.

  3. Add in the rest of seasoning, stir well. Covered, and simmer over a medium heat until the flavor has been absorbed, thicken the gravy with a little cornstarch solution, stir lightly until almost dry. Dish Up, serve Hot.

福州红糟炒田鸡 Fried Frog with Red Grain Rice Wine Residue


醃料:1大匙红糟,1大匙黄酒,1/2大匙 生抽


  1. 田鸡洗净,斩块后加入醃料拌均,醃制30分钟备用。

  2. 锅中烧热2大匙麻油炒香姜茸及红糟,加入醃制好之田鸡拌炒均匀之香浓。

  3. 最后撒下黄酒,煮沸后改用慢火炬约5分钟至可上碟。

Ingredients: 3 nos (300g) frog, 2 tablespoon chopped ginger, 1 tablespoon red grain rice wine residue,3 tablespoon glutinous rice wine.

Marinade: 1 tablespoon red grain wine residue, 1 tablespoon glutinous rice wine, ½ tablespoon light soy sauce.

Method :

  1. Rinse frogs, cut into pieces. Season with the marinade well. Marinate for about 30 minutes.

  2. Heat up 2 tablespoon sesame oil to fragrant the chopped ginger and wine residue. Add in marinated frog pieces, stir-fry till well combined and aromatic.

  3. Splash in glutinous rice wine, stir well. Then simmer with covered over a low heat for 5 minutes till cooked through. Remove , serve hot.

福州红糟炸鸡翼 Deep-fry Red Grain Wine Residue Chicken






Ingredients: 4 nos chicken wings

Marinade: 2 tablespoon Shaoxing wine, 2 tablespoon glutinous rice wine, 1 tablespoon red grain wine residue, 1 /2 teaspoon salt.

Method :

  1. Rinse the chicken wing and pat-dry. Add in marinade, mix well. Marinate for at least 4-6 hours until the flavor was been absorbed.

  2. Deep-fry the marinated chicken wings over medium high until cooked and golden in colour. Dish up and drained. Serve Hot.

福州红糟焖猪脚Braised Trotter with Red Grain Wine Residue

材料:300克猪脚,3粒蒜瓣(拍扁), 1大匙红糟,700毫升清水


调味料:1/4小匙盐,1 1/2大匙黄酒/糯米酒


  1. 猪脚洗净后斩成小块状,加入醃料拌均,放置醃约2小时。

  2. 烧热2大匙麻油炒香蒜瓣和红糟,加入猪脚块拌炒一会至香浓。

  3. 注入清水和调味料同煮沸,改用慢火焖煮约40-45分钟至汁料浓稠或猪脚松软为止,最后撒入黄酒继续焖煮2分钟,盛起即可食用。

Ingredients: 300 pig's trotter, 3 garlic cloves (flatten), 1 tablespoon red grain wine residue, 700 ml water.

Marinade: 1 tablespoon red grain wine residue, ½ tablespoon light soy saurce.

Seasoning: ¼ teaspoon salt, 1 ½ tablespoon glutinous rice wine.

Method :

  1. Rinse the pig's trotter and cut into small pieces. Season with marinade, mix well. Marinate for about 2 hours.

  2. Heat Up 2 tablespoon sesame oil to sauté garlic cloves and red grain wine residue till fragrant. Add in pig's trotter pieces, stir-fry for a while until aromatic.

  3. Pour in water and seasoning , bring to the boil. Simmer over a low heat until the sauce is slightly thick, or the pig's trotter pieces are tender. Lastly , splash in glutinous rice wine,stir well, continue to simmer for further 2 minutes. Dish up. Serve Hot.

营养早餐面线汤 Soup of Mee Suah





  1. 锅内倒入麻油略为加热,爆香姜丝,加入瘦肉略炒,倒入调味料煮滚。

  2. 面线以滚水川烫过,捞起沥干水份,加入上述汤水中煮滚,打入鸡蛋略滚一下即可。



2 bunches of MEE SUAH (Fine rice noodle), 80g lean meat (sliced), 1 egg , 2 tablespoon sesame oil, 10g ginger (juliennes)

Seasoning : 1 bowl rice wine,1/2 bowl water, 1 tablespoon soy sauce.

Method :

  1. Heat sesame oil in wok, sauté the ginger, then add in meat and stir-fry, and then pour in the seasoning and bring to boil

  2. Blanch MEE SUAH in boiling water and drain, then soak in the soup, toss in the egg. Done


MEE SUAH must not over cooked, it will be too soft and does not taste nice.

福州酒糟鸡焖面条Braised Noodles with Wine Residue



调味料:1/2 大匙生抽,1/4小匙盐,1/2小匙糖,1/2匙老抽


  1. 面条先用沸水烫熟至软,捞起用冷水冲洗一下,沥干备用。

  2. 鸡肉切片,加入醃料拌均,醃制1小时。

  3. 锅里烧热2大匙麻油炒香姜片,加入鸡肉拌炒一会,注入清水和调味料煮沸。

  4. 加入面条拌炒均匀后加盖以大火焖煮4分钟,盛碟即可食用。

Ingredients: 100 dried egg noodles, 100 chicken fillet, 200 ml water.

Marinade: 1 tablespoon red grain wine residue, 2 tablespoon glutinous rice wine, ½ tablespoon light soy sauce.

Seasoning: ½ tablespoon light soy sauce, ¼ teaspoon salt, ½ teaspoon sugar,1/2 teaspoon dark soy sauce.

Method :

  1. Cook the dried noodles into boiling water until soft. Remove, rinse under cool water, drain well, and keep aside.

  2. Cut the chicken fillet into slices, season with the marinade, mix well. Marinate for 1 hour.

  3. Heat Up 2 tablespoon sesame oil in the preheated wok to fragrant the ginger slices, add in chicken slices, stir-fry for a while. Pour in water and seasoning, Bring to boil.

  4. Blend in cooked noodles. Stir well. Covered and simmer over high heat for about 4 minutes. Dish up and serve hot.

Friday, February 11, 2011








150 克猪肉碎,1棵青葱(切粒)

3000毫升 高汤


1/2 小匙盐,1/2 小匙胡椒粉,1/2 小匙麻油,1/2 小匙五香粉,1大匙粟粉,


  1. 馅料:猪肉碎、虾胶、青葱粒及调味料一起拌均。
  2. 把燕皮剪成适宜片状,然后轻轻沾上少许清水使燕皮柔软后包上少许馅料,并做成饺子形,放置备用。
  3. 把所有完成后的燕皮饺子排在蒸盘上,以中火蒸约8分钟至熟,盛起加入煮滚的高汤,以少许盐和味精素调味,最后撒入青葱粒即可食用。

Some Fu-chou Yanpi
150 g shelled prawns (chopped)
150 g minced pork
1 stalk spring onion (chopped)
3000ml chicken broth
Seasoning : ½ teaspoon peeper,1 teaspoon sesame oil,1/2 five spices powder,1/2 teaspoon salt,1 tablespoon cornstarch

Method :

  1. To make filing. Mix the minced pork, prawn pasted. Chopped spring onions and seasoning until well combined.
  2. Cut the "Yan-Pi" into convenient slices, then dip the with a little water lightly until soft. Wrap with some filling and form into dumpling shapes.
  3. Arrange the "Yan-Pi" dumplings on a heatproof plate, steam over a medium heat for about 8 minutes until cooked.Remove, add into the boiling chicken broth,season with a pinch of salt and monosodium glutamate. Lastly , sprinkle with chopped spring onions. Serve hot.