Thursday, February 10, 2011

福州粟粉筋(蛋燕)Fu-Chou "Dan Yen" Soup


100 克 小葱头

50 克蒜茸

100 克虾仁

100 克猪肉(切片)


1500毫升 高汤


调味料: ½ 大匙盐,1小匙胡椒粉


  1. 蛋燕做法:将蛋燕材料拌成糊状,然后用平地锅烧热后涂抹上少许食油,再用平地锅烧热后涂抹上少许食油,再放入适量面糊,以慢火煎成薄片状至熟,取出,待冷却后切成条状,放着备用。
  2. 把小葱切片,然后连同蒜茸一起以适量热油爆香呈金黄色,盛起备用。
  3. 把高汤煮沸,加入调味料、猪肉片和虾仁同煮一会,然后拌入蛋燕,再次煮沸,盛碗,加入芹菜末、炸葱和青葱粒即可食用。


100 g shallots, 50 g chopped garlic,

100 g shelled prawns, 100 g pork meat (sliced),

Some chopped spring onions,

Some chopped contiental parsley,

1500 ml chicken broth

"Dan Yen" Ingredients :

250 g tapioca flour, 1 tablespoon plain flour, 5 eggs, 1 teaspoon salt, 8-10 tablespoon water

Seasoning : ½ tablespoon salt, 1 teaspoon pepper

Method :

  1. To make "Dan Yen", mix the "Dan Yen" ingredients until to be smooth batter, and then pour enough batter into preheated greased frying pan, shallow-fry over a low heat until form into thinly slices and cooked. Remove , leave to cool ,then cut into strips. Keep them aside.

  2. Cut the shallots into slices, then fragrant together with chopped garlic with some hot oil until golden browned. Dish Out, leave aside.

  3. Bring the chicken broth to a boil, add in seasoning, pork slices and shelled prawns,cook for a moment, then place in the striped "Dan Yen", bring back to the boil. Dish up. Serve with chopped contiental parsley, prefried shallots and chopped spring onions.

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