Monday, February 14, 2011

福州红糟焖猪脚Braised Trotter with Red Grain Wine Residue

材料:300克猪脚,3粒蒜瓣(拍扁), 1大匙红糟,700毫升清水


调味料:1/4小匙盐,1 1/2大匙黄酒/糯米酒


  1. 猪脚洗净后斩成小块状,加入醃料拌均,放置醃约2小时。

  2. 烧热2大匙麻油炒香蒜瓣和红糟,加入猪脚块拌炒一会至香浓。

  3. 注入清水和调味料同煮沸,改用慢火焖煮约40-45分钟至汁料浓稠或猪脚松软为止,最后撒入黄酒继续焖煮2分钟,盛起即可食用。

Ingredients: 300 pig's trotter, 3 garlic cloves (flatten), 1 tablespoon red grain wine residue, 700 ml water.

Marinade: 1 tablespoon red grain wine residue, ½ tablespoon light soy saurce.

Seasoning: ¼ teaspoon salt, 1 ½ tablespoon glutinous rice wine.

Method :

  1. Rinse the pig's trotter and cut into small pieces. Season with marinade, mix well. Marinate for about 2 hours.

  2. Heat Up 2 tablespoon sesame oil to sauté garlic cloves and red grain wine residue till fragrant. Add in pig's trotter pieces, stir-fry for a while until aromatic.

  3. Pour in water and seasoning , bring to the boil. Simmer over a low heat until the sauce is slightly thick, or the pig's trotter pieces are tender. Lastly , splash in glutinous rice wine,stir well, continue to simmer for further 2 minutes. Dish up. Serve Hot.

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